Monday 26 April 2010

I adore the work of Annemieke Mein.
Her embroidery is SO amazing.
As I have just finished a felting course, and with loads of bits of dyed fabric, I am going to have a go at creating some beautiful butterflies.
They may not be as amazing as hers, but they will be unique to me!
Have pencil and paper at the ready to start sketching up those lepidoptera!
Watch this space...

Thursday 22 April 2010

This is a pic of my Grandparents on their Wedding Day.
Just waiting to get the image back from the printers so I can embroider some roses onto it, and turn it into a dress shape for my currrent assignment.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Off to a friends for lunch tomorrow as having a day off. Baked this wheat -free cake today, to have with our tea. Delicious!
Well I have done it, and am now the proud owner of my very own blog!